Letter to John Churchman [manuscript], 1787 August 8.


Letter to John Churchman [manuscript], 1787 August 8.

Thomas Jefferson letter, Paris, August 8, 1787, to John Churchman in Philadelphia, commenting on the memorial Churchman sent to Jefferson regarding "a table of variations of the needle for all different meridians whatever," to be applied during a voyage between America and Europe; expressing difficulties that would occur; discussing the need to address questions raised by the French Academy of Science; and ending with, "I shall be happy that our country may have the honour of furnishing the old world what it has so long sought in vain." Jefferson may be referring for the work Churchman eventually published in Philadelphia in 1790: "An explanation of the magnetic atlas, or variationchart, hereto annexed, projected on a plan entirely new, by which the magnetic variation on any part of the globe may be precisely determined.

1 item.


SNAC Resource ID: 7924284

University of Virginia. Library

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